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Act on Energy Reporting Q1 & Q2 2023

Heart of England Community Energy has had an update on the first 6 months of the Act on Energy Complex Case Worker project which we are funding. Act on Energy has provided 70 home visits, and 60 intensive web/phone support sessions to fuel poor customers. Facilitating the installation of over 200 fuel-saving items, including draught proofing, radiator foils, and energy-efficient light bulbs. Facilitating cumulative financial savings from energy use reductions, with an estimated total of £4,170 per annum. Act on Energy has educated 13 front-line workers on the links between warm homes and energy efficiency and its benefits for health. By the end of the project, they expect this number to be well over 100. The distribution of this knowledge is key to ensuring this area of deprivation gets the attention it deserves, which in turn will save lives. Part of their approach has been to supply toolkits, of which they have delivered 130 already. These toolkits detail key behavioural changes individuals can make to reduce their fuel bills, including only boiling the water they need, washing clothes at lower temperatures, and highlighting the potential for application to further funding, one of which being the warm home discount. From their feedback, they believe these will have prompted £24,000 in total annual savings.


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